teeth bonding pros and cons
Cosmetic dentistry

Teeth Bonding Pros And Cons

Tooth bonding is the cosmetic dentistry procedure that is suitable for people whose teeth have been chipped, misaligned, or cracked. Unfortunately, these problems are common for people who suffer from bruxims due to sleep anea. In the case of sleep anea, Melbourne Dental Sleep Clinic offers a continuous positive airway pressure device as its treatment. Meanwhile, here are some information about how teeth bonding can fix the said dental issues.

beautiful smile
Dental Tips

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are hand crafted tooth shells which are generally applied over the surface of a tooth. The aim is to cover the enamel of the ragged out tooth and help in aligning the scratchy tooth. They likewise help in concealing the spaces, chips and cracks of the teeth effortlessly. Dental veneers are great options […]